Monday, December 17, 2007

this is why i love you kirsten...

(This conversation has been edited for nut-related content)

oh hey u know what i saw today
Kirsten: someone had balls on their car
me: what? like 'wash me' balls?
Kirsten: like tied to a trailer hitch balls
me: thats weird
me: oh my god. i know what i'm asking santa for xmas this year.
also, it scares me that you had that link on hand
me: i wish i had invented that. wouldn't that be hilarious if that was the product invention we pitched for cabell? truck nutz?
Kirsten: im posting it on my blog
me: i particularly like the 'flesh colored' nuts. although it looks like white flesh. we should sue bulls ballz for discrimination - kinda like crayola
Kirsten: yeah. you're right!
me: they should have indian red nutz, asian yellow and black
Kirsten: black nutz would be like 2 lbs
me: except the black ones would be 3 times the size

Kirsten: youre a racist


Nate said...

the best part is if you go to the webiste. they spell nuts - nutz.

page66 said...

i've seen two pairs of these within two miles of my home in the past two weeks.

behold, chesterfield!

djborisyeltsin said...

bad news.