Saturday, March 1, 2008

cold shops

I'm graduating in two months.

For the last six months, everyone has been asking me what agency I want to work for.

I don't know.

But I've narrowed my list down to the places I don't want to work.

In no particular order, I present to you the top ten agencies on the bottom of my list:

Burgle Turd and Shine
Chotchy and Chode
Farty McSmelliot
Benton and Bowels
Stodgy and Stodgy (formerly Crotchety and Crotchety)
Mckibbles and Bits
Druga 5

Feel free to add on.


Nate said...

I kind of would love to work at Queef. You got a url?

RBass3000 said...

You're funny Di.