Tuesday, January 29, 2008

mary poppins is a jerk

I've had this song stuck in my head for the last week.

But I think it's a good sign.

Also, I want to go back in time, marry Dick Van Dyke and have a million of his babies.


djborisyeltsin said...

the dream i was going to submit to the dream box involved mary poppins and those penguins from the movie.

now i just feel weird.

di said...

its not too late. i'll pretend like I don't know who wrote it when I read it. But, for all you know, there could be 12 mary popppins pengin dreams already in there.

Anonymous said...


Where we spent one very productive day looking at pictures of D. VanD, and sending them to each other with exlamations of "oooh this one's good, this one's good!"


JL said...

your hoo-ha would be like a baby cannon. that's so many babies.