Sunday, April 20, 2008

On Puppetry

I went to a local advertising award show on Friday night, and noticed that at the bottom of one of the credit lists was 'puppet maker'. And I thought to myself.....hey, I should really do that for a living.

Make puppets.

I feel like I would be really happy. And I know that everyone would support me in my choice because they know how much I love to build things.

But then I thought about it a little more.

Although they would be very supportive, I'm sure half the reason why my friends and family would encourage me is because they have never met anyone so fascinated by puppets. Or don't really know what it takes to be a good puppeteer. In fact, I'm not even sure I know what it takes to make a good puppeteer.

And, in reality, I'm sure there is this whole puppet world out there and people in it who have more talent and passion for the craft than I could ever imagine. And, I would realize this, as soon as I went on my first puppet interview, diorama in hand. I would see at least 12 other hack puppeteers/diorama makers waiting in line before me. But they all know how to sew, and they would be able to make 2 puppets a minute. And the ones who can't, would have parents who were famous puppeteers in the 80's so they are well connected and would get jobs as interns and move their way up the puppet ladder.

But what if I'm wrong? What if I AM cut out for the business? Surely the novelty of making puppets will wear off after a few years. And then what? I will have killed the only thing that has ever made me happy.


No, I couldn't possibly enter that world. I had better stick to what I know. Copywriting.

And even if I feel like I don't want to do it sometimes, I just spent the last 6 years and way too much money to get a good job in advertising. I can't start over now.

Or can I?

If anyone has a good lead for an open master puppeteer's assistant position, you know how to contact me. Until then, heres a video with dancing zombie puppets.


Anonymous said...

I don't know anyone looking... but why can't you do both? Start small and work your way up :-)

monkeyama said...

I think you should be a copywriter that makes puppets.

Who knows, you might get rich and famous from your puppets some day.

The world needs more great puppet makers.

JL said...

haha, i love it. i'll support whatever choice you make. believe in yourself.

RBass3000 said...

Greatest video by a Canadian Electronic artist covering a late 90's Rap song starring puppets ever!

Anonymous said...

Di, I think this puppet thing will be big 4 u some day. How about leaving the actual manufacturing to some co. in China. Then exploit said puppets here. They will still b your puppets, unless u choose to outright sell some to make room for new and improved {cheaper} ones. U will be big, U will turn the puppet world on it's head. Congrats on your grad. God bless u and yours, Uncle Craig